Hello Everyone,
I have an office project which is designed to use a little compicated HVAC system. There are 3 Central Heat Recovery Units on the roof top to provide pre-cooled/heated fresh air for the whole office building. Then the pre-cooled/heated fresh air will be delivered to the AHUs with VAV control located on each floor. The mix air supplie from AHU will go out through the terminal chilled beam/panel installed in the inner office space, which is only have cool function. In the perimeter area, it is designed to use FCUs with both of heating and cooling modes.
I will use eQuest software to do the energy simulation for the building. But I'm not confident how to model it and which kind of system is the most similar with it?
Could anyone help me?
Really appreciated in advance!
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
May 6, 2016 - 10:18 am
I don't think eQUEST can model chilled beam but you might want to check on the eQUEST Users group at onebuilding.org.
Modeling a similar system may not be good enough. If eQUEST cannot model this system directly and there is not a published work around for how to closely simulate it then you will have to propose your own work around and justify its accuracy to the reviewer. Make sure you submit it as an exceptional calculation. However, if you are not confident enough about how to model it then this route is probably not the best one for you.
It is important to understand that if the software you want to use cannot model a strategy or system in the design then you should probably not use that software for your model. We modeled a project with a double facade a few years back and eQUEST cannot handle that system so we used Energy Plus. Depending upon what you find out about the capabilities of eQUEST you may need to consider something else.
Shenhao Li
Atkins7 thumbs up
May 10, 2016 - 5:55 am
Many thanks, Marcus!