I already registered a project for split review but we haven't yet submitted the Preliminary Design Review. Meanwhile construction works keep going and the delivery date of the building is due the 31th October.
We are wondering if it would be better to apply for Combined Design and Construction Review.
Is it possible to change the type of review?
How can we change on LEEDOnline?
What are the consequences?
Will we have to pay more fees?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
April 6, 2016 - 1:05 pm
It would depend on how complete the design credits are. It is our experience that if you do not have the design submission done at least 4 months prior to to completion of the project, you might as well do combined. If you have all the design credits done, then I would submit now under a split review. If nothing is done, well I would need to know the project team their experience in the documentation process as to whether I would still try and submit.
You can change from a split to combined. You need to call customer service and have them change it. There are no consequences. I actually like them since you have the opportunity to ensure consistency between all credits before submission. Unlike in a split review, you may have an issue in construction which may change a value that would effect a design credit that has already been reviewed. Does not always happen, but there is that chance. You will pay a little more for split than combined.
Glen Phillips
Sustainability ProfessionalBright Green
42 thumbs up
April 6, 2016 - 6:19 pm
If I recall correctly (it has been a while since I was involved with a live submission), you may submit any or all design credits in the design review, with any that aren't ready (and all construction credits) during the construction review. Aside from a possibly (slightly) lower fee, there is no reason to wait to submit any completed credit forms during the design review so that these credits can be "locked in" before deciding what to submit during the construction review phases.
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
April 7, 2016 - 3:45 pm
I stand corrected, you can go to the timeline tab within the credit on LEEDonline. There you can select either combined or split.