
a question concerning IEQc8.1 & IEQc8.2 .

Can we use the net floor area instead of gross floor area for the simulation in Matrix_Table IEQ-1 Daylight and views?

I would like to use the net floor area instead of gross floor area in the credit form IEQc8.1 and 8.2,but the "Total regularly occupied area" is linked to PIF3,where the gross floor area is relevant .
In my opinion daylight is relevant to the net floor area and not relevant to walls.
Therefore I would suggest to explain my opinion for the daylight and the difference between PIF3 and IEQc8.1 & IEQc8.2 in Upload L-10.
Has anyone had a similar experience with net floor area instead of gross floor area in credit form IEQc8.1 & IEQc8.2?

Thank you in advance.