Good morning everyone. I have three quick questions I am hoping someone can help me with;
Many of my zones have fresh air supplied by a central AHU and also have an FCU within them recirculating the air. So the Design total supply for each zone (Vdzd) is large and therefore the Design primary supply (Vpsd) for the multizone system is much higher than that capable from the AHU alone. I'm concerned that the reviewer will check this high value of Vpsd against the unit on the equipment schedule and think something is amiss. However the Outdoor air intake (OA) is lower than the flow rate listed on the equipment schedule in all cases. Should I clarify the high Vpsd in someway, or will it be clear to the reviewer that it is because of the FCUs? Perhaps I am worrying about nothing?
Am I correct in saying any zone that is listed in Table 6.4 does not need to meet minimum supply rates defined in previous sections, and conversely that any zone not in table 6.4 does not need to meet minimum exhaust rates of table 6.4. In my user generated spreadsheet each zone is in one or the other section, but not both. Is this correct?
I have a cold room in the facility that does not have a fresh air supply to it because this would require a huge amount of energy and a much bigger refrigeration system. The workers in this area will only be in there for short shifts and the space is very large. Is it excluded from the minimum supply requirements?
Thanks very much
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