Hi all,
Currently I have a project in Malaysia that is going for LEED Core and Shell (2009), the project consists of multiple buildings but will be certified under one certificate. The project has 1 block of office tower (18 floors), 2 blocks of serviced apartment (28 floors each), 2 retail blocks (3 and 5 floors respectively).
This project will be using the baseline of System 8-VAV with PFP Boxes. Could you please advise what would be the baseline COP of the chilled water system? Referring to Table 6.8.1C in ASHRAE 90.1-2007, can I use the COP for “air cooled, with condenser, electrical operated” which is at COP=2.8?
My proposed design HVAC system is using VRV system or inverter multi split. However, based on clause G3.1.3.7, I must use the centrifugal chiller as my baseline. If this is the case, my building will not be qualified as LEED Building as it is very difficult for me to get the minimum 10% savings since my baseline COP would be 6.10.
Can you please kindly advise how can I get the minimum 10% savings if my HVAC is VRV system? Thanks.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
March 20, 2015 - 7:08 pm
Your baseline system sounds correct for the most part. The retail may be another system type depending on their area.
You cannot use an air cooled unit with a system 8. I do not know nearly enough about the project to advise you on how to get 10% savings.
March 25, 2015 - 4:22 am
Thanks Marcus.
Meaning to say, if myHVAC system falls under System 8, my baseline will be either using water-cooled screw or centrifugal chillers?
For your information, currently my proposed HVAC design will be a VRV system whereby it would definitely become a negative savings if to compare with a better COP used in baseline. Thus, i'm wondering how to get the minimum 10% savings if my proposed design is a VRV system which is to be compared with a chilled water plant.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
March 25, 2015 - 8:39 pm
Whether a screw or centrifugal chiller depends on the baseline model's calculated cooling capacity, see Table G3.1.3.7.
In an energy end use other than cooling I guess. Again I do not know enough about your project to advise you.