I tried looking through all of the questions on this board for a similar one and didn't see it; hopefully this isn't a repeat.
I am currently in the process of pulling together the design submittal for NCv2009. The Owner is trying to get a PV array donated to the project, so at this time is is unclear how large the array will be. The energy modeler has estimated 10kW (the minimum size it will be, which meets the credit intent for 1%) but the roof has been sized for an array as large at 30kW. Question: Should we wait until construction to submit EAc1 and EAc2 when we know the array size for sure, or should we submit them both in the design phase assuming the 10kW and resubmit in the construction phase if the Owner is able to get a larger array donated? Would there be a fee for changing the array size later, since this would be something that happened during the course of construction, not a calculation change? A side note, we are barely able to certify the building, so we are counting points very closely. I'd like to confirm as many points as possible in the design submittal so we know where we stand, but obviously we don't want to incur any extra costs for the Owner.
Charles Nepps
NH Green Consulting97 thumbs up
August 25, 2014 - 2:30 pm
I'd wait until the construction phase. You can submit design credits in the Construction phase, but only if they were not previously submitted in the Design phase. So obviously if you submit EA1 & 2 in Design, and you later get the larger PV array, you would have to appeal and pay (per credit), to be awarded the additional points.
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
November 22, 2014 - 2:51 pm
Brianna - I see you posted recently above about your question here so I thought I would post on this thread...
On a recent Proven Provider post-review call, our energy reviewer told us that adding PV to a project that has already completed its preliminary and final design review is the one instance where you get a free third review - without an appeal. The call notes stated: "...We will provide you with a free third round of review for the affected credits. Note that the model changes should be limited to adding the PV System in Table L-1 and providing the associated supporting documentation. Additionally, please ensure that the PV system has been included within the EAp1/c3 commissioning scope."
Also, I disagree with notion of waiting until the Construction Application for EAp2/c1 in your situation. I think it is essential to get EAp2/c1 locked in during the design phase review because then you can better assured of where you stand point wise. With this information above about PV, you are not in danger of having to appeal.
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
November 24, 2014 - 8:45 am
This is very good, and I am glad they are offering this. With the price of PV changing so fast, many owners are delaying the purchase of the PV until later in the construction process, closer to the time it is needed. I had a project where the grant was not ready when the project was bid, so the alternate was rejected. Then a year later the grant finalized, and a separate bid was taken just for the PV, and they were able to get about 20% more at the same price.