I'm working on my first LEED project and have a problem with the FSC certification regarding our doors. The project is located in Sweden and FSC in Sweden hasn't been able to help me (LEED is not very common in Sweden).
My problem is that my supplier want to label them "FSC Mix" and not FSC Mix[%] or FSC Mix Credit. When I ask FSC they say that the most common way to label FSC products are FSC Mix (without percentage or credit claim). How does this work with LEED? I need a percentage to show how much is FSC. Our supplier says she can write a certificate and certify how much is FSC wood but it will still only be labeled FSC MIX. Have anyone been in the same situation?
Thanks in advance!
Judy Landwehr
Manager, Sustainability and Technical MarketingMasonite Architectural
65 thumbs up
August 12, 2014 - 10:25 am
A claim on a product/invoice stating only FSC Mix is non-compliant to the FSC standard. There are two types of FSC Mix claims. They are FSC Mix Credit or FSC Mix % as you have noted. The invoice and shipping documents must clearly identify which products are FSC with the respective claim including the % if it is a percentage based claim.
Viktor Reutherborg
TraineeNCC Construction Sverige
August 13, 2014 - 8:50 am
I think I've misunderstood something but I don't know what. I spoke with FSC and they said that FSC Mix is a correct labeling. If I got an invoice with a COC number and the label FSC Mix (without a percentage or credit claim) that would be a correct invoice/labeling. This meant that at least 70% was FSC wood and the rest controlled wood and that was enough to make it count as a FSC Certified product. I then suspected this was something only in FSC Sweden but they said it's the same globally. Apparently, there is something I've misunderstood but I don't know what.