Hi experts,
Wanted to notify those subscribed to this forum of the ongoing LEED Committee Call for Volunteers. This opportunity is open until next Thursday, April 10th at 8:00 pm EST.
Among the committees seeking volunteers this round are the Pilot Credit Library Working Group and the Location and Planning (LP) TAG. The LP TAG is interested in folks with parking design and electric vehicle expertise, among other areas.
More information is available at the following pages:
• Volunteer Opportunity Page: Background on each committee seeking volunteers and the specific expertise areas sought during this round of applications. http://www.usgbc.org/committees/volunteer-opportunities/leed-call
• Application Tool: Online survey to submit your self-nomination and expand upon your professional background. https://usgbc.wufoo.com/forms/2014-leed-committees-call-for-volunteers/
• Blog Post: Original March 10th announcement on USGBC.org, which includes further information on the selection process. http://www.usgbc.org/articles/become-leed-committee-member
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