I posted this in the PIf1 forum before seeing this one. I tried to delete it there, but couldn't see how. Sorry for the repost.

The project in question is being constructed on an dense, urban medical campus. All future buildings on campus are to be LEED.

The site was originally a surface parking lot. This project is using half the site. Apx half the parking lot is to remain and is being disturbed by rework (some new islands, etc) for updated traffic flow, repair as the existing lot is being used as construction layoff space, and some utility work. The original LEED boundary we drew was the same as the construction limit line on the drawings - including everything I described above. In the future though, there has been some initial planning for another building on an adjacent lot. At that time the remaining parking lot from our project would be demo'd for part of future building footprint and vegetated, pedestrian plaza. The LEED boundary required for that future project overlaps with disturbed area from this project (and our current LEED boundary). This seems like a typical situation for urban campus' as the next project might not be for 10 years and the site needs to look finished in the interim.

It seems no matter how we draw the boundary we are in conflict with requirement 1 or 4 of MPR #3.

MPR #3 requirement 1 states that 1.The LEED project boundary must include... all land that was or will be disturbed for the purpose of undertaking the LEED project

MPR #3 requirement 4 states "no given parcel of real property within the LEED project boundary has ever been or ever will be attributed to another LEED project building"
