The Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses credit is 71% more stringent in LEED v3 than LEED v4 (requirement in LEED-CI dropped from 60,000 sqft/acre for 6 pts to 35,000 sqft/acre for 6pts.)
However, the documentation required has risen by ~182% (from documenting a total of ~1,557,815 sqft of buildings, using typical radius of 600ft for projects in NYC, to documenting 4,398,230 sqft).
Why is this?
Is there an alternative way to document the v4 credit? We are trying to make LEED v4 look like a viable rating system for clients to use - but when there's additional documentation (consulting costs) for no reason, it gets tricky.
I made this comment several times when v4 was up for review, but it never got picked up (frustrating).
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