I'm working in a small project with natural ventilation overall.
Considering these 3 facts:
1. LEED states to comply with sections 4-7 of ASHRAE 62.1-2007.
2. Natural ventilation is designed according to section 5.1 of ASHRAE 62.1-2007.
3. Section 6 says: ''This section is not required for natural ventilation
So, my question is: do spaces like toilets, kitchenettes, dressing rooms, etc. need to comply with table 6-4 (minimum exhaust rates) by installing a mechanical exhaust fan? even when they comply with the section 5.1 (4% of operable window)?
Thanks in advance!
Paula Hernandez
85 thumbs up
August 26, 2014 - 3:36 pm
I have the same problem in a building where kitchenettes and toilets have natural ventilation trhough an operable window, and they also count with injection air since the owner wants the bathrooms to be cooled and heated.
Do this spaces need to count with a mechanical exhaust system according to Table 6-4?,
Thank you