Tristan - It would be super if you could ask USGBC staff which is more correct - the Credit Resources in LOv3 or the Resources in the Credit Library? And when they are going to reconcile the two sources.
I went through the MR and IEQ credits in both for LEED-SCH 2009 recently to ensure I had the most up-to-date resources for a general contractor new to LEED. I was not surprised but kinda appalled at the differences between the two sources. I will e-mail you a chart of the differences to show the full extent but here are two examples from the Resources in the Credit Library: the FSC Memorandum in MRc2 and the low-emitting vehicles list in SSp1. One example in the Credit Resources in LOv3 is that it shows the IDC Materials and Resources Calculator in LEED-NC in MRc7.
Of course, experienced LEED practitioners understand that these are incorrect but what about the newbies? It’s so unfortunate that there is not consistency between the two sources and that there are mistakes.
While this doesn’t relate to LEED v4 exactly, it might set some quality control thoughts in motion for the Resources in the Credit Library for LEED v4.
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