Is it feasible for a LEED HC project to meet this prerequisite without being remediated to a "residential (unrestricted) use?"
After speaking with our environmental consultant, this would require basically removing all the soil off the site or remediating in place to the point where no containment barriers are used. While our contamination level may get close to a residential standard, we have contaminated groundwater which will continue to enter the site. We are installing a hefty gas vapor barrier on top of remediated soil to protect from this groundwater condition and any minimal leftover unremediated soils.
Remediating or removing all the soil on the site plus building something to prevent future groundwater entering the site does not sound financially feasible for this project and probably would prohibit the project from happening if that was ultimately required.
Is it feasible we will still meet this prerequisite? Does anyone have experience with meeting the prereq while not remediating to a "residential unrestricted use" for good reason?
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