The Plan requires biweekly inpections: 'Visual inspections shall be performed at least 2 times per month, with treatment if necessary. After each visit, the pest contractor shall provide a printed service report that includes written observations, recommendations and details of IPM activities.'

Question: Can the Landscaper do weekly visual inspections and notify the Pest Contractor if there are issues? We currently have the Pest Contractor completing his logs on a monthly basis and the Landscaper completing his on a biweekly basis. This is due to the extra costs associated with extra site visits by the Pest Contractor. Does it have to only be the Landcape Pest Contractor as well as the building insect/rodent Pest Contractor? The Lanscaper takes care of landscape pests and he is there every week, so we feel this would be enough -your thoughts?

Also, do we have to post Universal Notification for locked rat bat boxes (Tier II)? These are out all of the time due to the adjoining fields.

