We are looking into a LEED ND project where we are having problems with applying LEED NC for a shopping centre since the building is attached to two others building. Therefore the project are looking into using BREEAM instead since you can choose the parts within a building that you want to certify. The BREEAM scheme is certified by ISO 9001, would this scheme therefore qulify for GIBp1?
Thanks in advance!
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
April 15, 2013 - 12:47 pm
Tanja, it’s more than just 9001. A February 2, 2011 addenda for GIBp1, available at http://www.usgbc.org/node/1732035?return=/credits, stipulates that other rating systems must be able to document that their certification reviews are conducted by independent certifying bodies that are either: 1) accredited by an International Accreditation Forum member using ISO/IEC Guide 65 and ISO/IEC 17065, or 2) can otherwise document compliance with ISO/IEC 17021 or ISO/IEC Guide 65 and ISO/IEC 17065.
Steve Brindle
May 8, 2013 - 12:32 pm
Eliot, I have not looked at the detail of the BREEAM International scheme that Tanja is suggesting to certify against of late. However BRE Global (the certifying boby is certified to ISO 17021 by UKAS. And BREEAM NC 2011 scheme states the requirements with respect to the qualification and certifictaion of personel under ISO 17024. Thsi would seem to be in compliance iwthe the 2011 addenda?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
May 8, 2013 - 2:53 pm
Steve, if BRE Global can document compliance with ISO 17021, then BREEAM might be ok. Because of the complexities involved, for anyone considering a non-LEED system it's probably best to submit that system's documentation to GBCI for an opinion before going too far.
Michael Smithing
Director - Green Building AdvisoryColliers International Ltd.
304 thumbs up
March 18, 2014 - 12:28 pm
We're working on a LEED CI project in a DGNB certified building in Bulgaria. We had hoped to use the DGNB certification to satisfy SSc1p12 and reference GIBp1/GIBc1.
I'm wondering whether there is any official or unofficial list of rating systems that GBCI has approved for these credits. Based on what I've read above BREEAM appears to meet the requirements - I would hope (rather than assume) that when USGBC drafted this language someone did the research regarding what major international rating systems actually meet these requirements. Has GBCI issued guidance to review teams on this? Has anyone done the research that is willing to share?
Meghan Bogaerts
Manager, Neighborhood DevelopmentU.S. Green Building Council
50 thumbs up
March 27, 2014 - 3:07 pm
For GIBp1/GIBc1 in LEED ND, GBCI has an additional guidance document for projects that would like to achieve this prerequisite and credit via a green building rating system using certification bodies that are ISO accredited or can show ISO compliance. In this document, GBCI has listed several alternative green building rating systems that have been approved and not approved for GIBp1/GIBc1. This list is not exclusive, and other Rating Systems may be vetted for approval via the Credit Interpretation Ruling process. Please note that to achieve this, one whole building (not just a tenant space) must be certified under an approved Rating System.
The allowance of alternative Rating Systems, per approval by GBCI upon showing compliance with the requirements, in LEED ND is unique to this Rating System only, given the diversity, scale, and multiple building nature of LEED ND projects. Other LEED Building Rating Systems have not allowed for alternative building rating systems to satisfy requirements and SSc1: Option 2 –Path 12 in LEED CI would not be the appropriate credit path to pursue this possibility. Path 12 allows for base building strategies found in other LEED BD+C or LEED O+M Rating Systems to be pursued for an ID+C project.
Michael Smithing
Director - Green Building AdvisoryColliers International Ltd.
304 thumbs up
March 28, 2014 - 4:32 am
Meghan - This is very helpful and exactly the information I was looking for, if not the answer I had expected.
The wording in the ID+C reference guide for Path 12 refers to "the requirements of another LEED rating system credit" and does not specifically reference the BD+C or O+M rating systems. It would seem to me that - in the event a CI project is not located in a LEED certified building - USGBC would want to encourage projects to locate in other sustainably certified buildings. The intent of SSc1 is "to encourage tenants to select buildings that employ best practices systems and green strategies" which appears to be in harmony with the GIBp1 intent "to encourage the design, construction and retrofit of buildings that utilize green building practices."
Locating in a building meeting the requirements for GIBp1 also appears to satisfy the 3 specified criteria for the implementation of innovative strategies set forth in the ID credit documentation.
Is there an LI which excludes the use of ND credits from use in Path 12? Is this an approach that has been tried before and failed or is it worth submitting a CIR on this?
Finally, can you provide a link to the additional guidance document with the alternative green building rating systems?
Thanks so much for your help!
Meghan Bogaerts
Manager, Neighborhood DevelopmentU.S. Green Building Council
50 thumbs up
March 31, 2014 - 11:21 am
Hi, Michael. First, the additional guidance on GIBp1 is available in the resources section of the credit library, here: http://www.usgbc.org/node/1732035?view=resources
As for your question about the CI rating system, I can't find any interpretations that explicitly prohibit it. This means that you're the first person to ask that question. I'm still not sure that path 12 is actually the right fit for the argument you're making. If you'd like to pursue this path, you'll need to submit a CIR.
Jutta Berns
onwer and principalecocentric (pty) ltd.
130 thumbs up
March 10, 2015 - 11:08 am
Hi Meghan,
can you possibly provide an updated link to the additional guidance on GIBp1? the link takes us the questionnaire which does not appear to have the list of alternative green building rating systems? unless I am missing it, of course!
Many thanks!
Casey Studhalter
Project Manager, LEEDUSGBC
1 thumbs up
March 13, 2015 - 12:07 pm
The resource Meghan mentioned last year isn't available on the site any longer as we have changed how we are providing credit guidance. The credit language changes it referenced are now more readily accessible in LEED Interpretation #100000819 from 2/2/2011 at http://www.usgbc.org/leed-interpretations?keys=100000819&=Search.
As a correction to an earlier comment above, no rating systems have been approved for compliance with either GIBp1 or GIBc1 in a formal, precedent setting LEED Interpretation. Some teams have pursued a Credit Interpretation Ruling for their particular project, and that is our recommendation for any interested project.
Guidance for how to submit a CIR is available at https://www.leedonline.com/irj/go/km/docs/documents/usgbc/leed/config/co....