The new LEED language has clarified that 32.10.00 Paving should be included in the construction costs.
However, the only paving that will occur on my project's contract will be in-street paving per regulations by the City and in order to install the sewer and drainage system. This paving is located on the City's land, not the projects - would this still be included? Or would this be considered off-the-project?
Nadav Malin
CEOBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
844 thumbs up
November 29, 2012 - 10:23 pm
Hi Mariah,This is definitely NOT an official response, but I'd say that this is one of those gray areas in LEED that you can use to your advantage, because you can make a good argument that it should go either way. if it helps you out to include it, you can (does it have recycled content?). If it doesn't help you, leave it out.If you want more certainty than this, I guess you should submit a CIR, and let us know what they say!