
I'm trying to fill-out the above form. I checked all the calculations for each fields. However, i can always get warning sign of " Would need over 100% OA Intake". Our project does not apply for this.

Please help which item should i need to adjust or correct. This form is frustrating, they did not even refer you which is wrong, instead they will keep you guessing until you waste your time.

Anyway, these are the values that i have for IEQp1 and IEQc2:

System Population w/o diversity (Ps) = 31/31
Occupancy Diversity (D) % = 100/100
System Population with diversity (Ps) = 31/31
Design System Primary Supply Airflow = 505/505
Uncorrected Outdoor Air Intake = 187/243
System Ventillation Efficiency = 0.5/0.35
Required Outdoor Intake Flow = 373 / 691
Project Design Outdoor Airflow = 755

Appreciate any assistance on this.
