The project is such that it consists of two major renovations of two college buildings and the construction of a new link between them. The energy model is just of ONE building. However, the distrubution systems are sized for BOTH building and are not located in the SAME building. For example: The heating distribution for the Modeled Building is in the OTHER building NOT being modeled. So, the non-modeled building would foot the bill for providing heat to the modeled building. In other words, the modeled building is not paying for heat. Contriwise, the modeled is cooling both building and does pay for the cooling load of both buildings. If that's not confusing enough, the distribution systems are sized for both building and future work in Phase 3 of the project. So I got a 500 GPM pump for hot water, but I only really need 70 GPM for my building I'm modeling. How can I cleanly and accurately model the pumps for the modeled building? If I model it at 500 gpm than I'm getting beat bad in savings, but if I arbitarily reduce the wattage of the pumps than I risk getting flagged by a reviewer, so what should I do?