I need help determining what tier a pesticide is. I have a list of pesticides that our project uses, but none are specificailly listed on the City of San Francisco's list of reviewed products (http://sfenvironment.org/sites/default/files/fliers/files/sfe_th_product...).

However, the City of SF recommends that you look to the Pesticide Action Network database (http://www.pesticideinfo.org/) to look up your pesticide information. I went to the PAN database, and it was very helpful. However, it provides the "acute hazard warning label" as the designations for products, which are: 1-danger, 2-warning, 3-caution, and 4-none.

My question is: how can I figure out how these hazard levels translate into the three Tiers from the City of SF? For example, I have a product that is level 3-caution....so would that be a tier III? or a tier II? How do I know/translate?

Thank you!!