
Question 1:
We are required to sort & weigh ALL building waste in our audit, but what about small tenant-managed recycling programs? For example, my project building's janitorial staff collects all tenant waste and paper/cardboard recycling. However during my walkthrough I noticed that some tenants have various individual recycling programs for recyclables such as blue prints, confidential shredded paper, and glass/plastic beverage containers. The building managers and janitorial staff are not responsible for managing these tenant-driven recycling programs. Do we need to include these recyclables in our audit?

Question 2:
For our waste audit, we are isolating a 24-hours of waste collection to weigh and sort. However, much of the recyclables are collected every few weeks. Do we have to isolate 1-day's worth of recycling also? What if we are working to get figures from private with shredded paper companies and they only know the amount of shredded paper on a weekly basis?

Thanks for your help!