I am currently using the prescriptive method supporting LEED calculator. Each classrooms have two types of VLT. One side window with 53% VLT that is located at one side of the room and another with 75% VLT located at the other side of the room. Right know since I just put only the windows with 53%, the classrooms doesn't not comply with the 75% daylit. I'm pretty sure if I add the windows that have the 75% VLT the classroom will comply with the requirement. My problem is that I don't know how to put the information in the spreedsheat. I though about taking an average between the VLT and sum all window areas but don't know if that approch will be accepted. My other alternative was to put first the room area, the window area with the correspondent VLT and add another row with the same room but changing the window area and VLT (the issue is that I will be duplicating room area) any thoughts, anyone?
Will appreciate any comment