I know this is not a change from the 2nd Version to the 3rd, but has anyone else been concerned about the wording in the EBOM Retail MR prerequisite (Ongoing Consumption Policy) to promote environmentally responsible sourcing of retail merchandise? It gives options to 1. establish procedures and resources for implementing a supply chain survey (but does not explicitly require that the survey be implemented, nor have a separate MR credit to incentivize implementation), 2. establish procedures and resources for implementing an education program (but does not explicitly require nor have subsequent credit for it to be implemented), 3. establish criteria for encouraging an environmentall preferable supply chain strategy (but does not explicitly require nor have subsequent credit for it to be implemented), or 4. provide an educational display in the retail project (which is the only option that seems to include implementation). There are no MR credits further down the list that address sourcing of retail merchandise. This is all new language since V2009. Was this concern addressed earlier in the process? Am I missing something?