We are working on a recreation center with a gym and several pools. More efficient showers in the locker rooms will save a lot of water. The main users are the hundreds of vistors, not the FTEs, but the v2009 template only counts the FTEs as shower users. Therefore the impact of the efficient showers is virtually lost. Is there any way around this?
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eric jendro
mechanical engineerwidseth smith nolting
4 thumbs up
January 16, 2012 - 12:24 pm
We also have a similar situation for a park visitor center. The main users of the showers are not FTEs but park staff located in other buildings on the site. Is there a way to include shower users from these other locations in the V2009 template calculations?
Mechanical DesignerMEP Engineering Solutions, Inc
14 thumbs up
January 25, 2012 - 1:09 pm
we also have a similar situation for a fitness center. The main user of the showers are the visitors not the FTE . I am not very sure but I am thinking using a separate group and show the group usage. ANY input or previous experiences ?
Karen Blust
Green Building ConsultantThe Cadmus Group
124 thumbs up
January 30, 2012 - 3:39 pm
Susan, despite the fact that the showers are covered by EPAct, in this case, it sounds like the visitor shower uses would be considered process water since the water use is part of the function of that space. You can claim savings by pursuing an Innovation credit for Process Water Use Reduction (see LEED Interpretations). Note that this credit would require that you account for all process water use in the project (washing machines, dishwashers, cooling towers, etc), not just the showers used by the visitors.
Ralf Lehmann
M.Sc. | Dipl.-Ing. (FH) | LEED AP BD&CALPHA Energy & Environment GmbH
19 thumbs up
March 16, 2012 - 8:14 am
On the other hand, Karen, does that mean I don't have to count for theses showers, if I don't like to?
For example an office building including a fitness/spa area. If my showers are to bad and mostly used by transients, the showers can be counted as process water and I don't count for them?
Seams to be to easy!