Hi everyone,
I'm a bit confused about the correct way to calculate BL fan power.
The building has 6 stories and therefore 6x System 7 in the BL. In the Proposed there's just 1 CAV for the whole building.
The proposed CAV is fully ducted, has filters in supply ducts and exhaust ducts, a heat recovery device and sound attenuation. So theres a long list of applicable power drop adjustments.
My question is: Are these only applicable once or for every single BL system? So in my mind there are 3 possibilities:
1. Summarize all supply air flow rates -> calculate P_fan with all Pressure Drop Adjustments -> P_single_fan = P_fan * SA flow rate / summarized SA flow rates
2. Calculate P_fan individually with all Pressure Drop Adjustments
3. Calculate P_fan individually with Pressure Drop Adjustments, but count the "shared" Pressure Drop Adjustments like heat recovery device, sound attenuation only with 1/6.

Would be great to get some help here.