I really disagree that a LEED ND project needs to have achieved Stage 2 certification for a building on the project to get the point. I think that Stage 1 certification should be adequate, as the Stage 1 credits related to location (the SLL credits) are unlikley to change between the various stages for a particular project. Furthermore, infill determination is made in Stage 1, which I believe to be the most important distinguising attribute of sustainable neighborhood development. Yes, I know that there can be LEED ND projects that are not infill, but I think a LEED ND infill project should automatically get all points in this new LEED 2012 credit. I understand that the NPD and GIB credits can can change between Stage 1 and 2 as Stage 1 requires just letters of intent for many of them, but the aspect of the certification most relevant to a particular building will remain the same.

Perhaps a compromise: some points are available under this credit for Stage 1, more for Stage 2, and all for Stage 3?