I have been reviewing the 2012 Credit modifications over the last week or so, and I will try to produce some coherent and constructive comments in the official comment feedback before the 14th. But, I must say here that I'm deeply disappointed in the USGBC. These modifications to the MR Credits appear to have been developed and written by industry, either directly or via their consultants, rather than by qualified sustainable design professionals. I mean no insult to industry and I greatly value their participation in the process of evolving LEED, but I DO want to see it EVOLVE, not get dumbed down so that it provides an huge opportunity to greenwash, and get the stamp of USGBC approval for doing so!

LCA: Great idea, and I would LOVE it if there were a magic LCA tool that I could use and trust. But, that magic tool hasn't been invented yet for designers/specifiers to utilize. And, "Manufacturer-declared LCA" = "Bad Joke."
Biobased: Without requiring biobased materials to be sustainably managed and harvested and 3rd Party Certified, what is the point of allowing this? I'm sure SFI is thrilled that even though the USGBC membership voted down this biobased scam to get non-FSC wood into LEED, and yet, like a bad penny, here it is again!
Chemicals of Concern: I bow to Tom Lent and his commentary on this issue, and I remind you that we are not scientists and whatever is done with this Credit it should be realistic and credible.

I would like to see the MR Credits enhance the sustainable value of my projects, to stand above the same ol' same ol', to move the market forward and upward, and to know that I, and my clients, can trust in the LEED's credibility.

I apologize if all this sounds harsh, but this is truely, truely disappointing.