Have any of you had any experience in dealing with this credit in an international project, particularly in Asia?

Has anyone ever heard of NQA / UKAS Environmental Management. This certificate "certifies that the Environmental Management System of [X Ltd.] has been assessed and registered by NQA against the provisions of ISO 14001:2004. This registration is subject to the company maintaining an environmental management system, to the above standard, which will be monitored by NQA." I guess this itself would not meet the requirements of this credit as it does not provide any certification of the VOC emissions of the actual product.

Has anyone ever heard of China Environmental Labeling Product Certificate? It states that "Furniture comply with HJ/T 303-2006 Technical Requirement for Environmental Labeling Product Issued by Ministry of Environment Protection of P.R. China..." and

"Certification Mode: Type Test + Initial Factory Inspection + Follow-Up Inspection
China Environmental Labeling Certification System Complies With GB/T24024:2001 idt ISO14024:1999..."

Any comments appreciated.