The requirements for Pilot Credit 12 appear to be precariously similar to the requiements for LEED 2009 CI SSc3 Option 1, Exemplary Performance.

There is slight variation - for example:
- the Pilot Credit distinguishes weekday and weekend minimums
- the Pilot Credit specifies 'minimum walking distance' rather than just distance
- the SSc3 requirements denote number of stops and number of rides for exemplary performance
- the Pilot Credit focuses only on aggregate number of rides, not number of stops

...though the credits are working towards the same goal, has anyone submitted both of these on one project and been approved for both SSc3 exemplary performance AND Pilot Credit 12? There are no exclusions within the Pilot stating ineligibility for projects seeking SSc3 Exemplary Performance, but I'm curious if anyone has successfully submitted both within one project.