We are the GC for a new small (4,000 SF) Leed Certified fast food restaurant with 3,800 CFM of outside air when occupied. We plan to do our initial 3,500 CF/SF flushout over a weekend. The remaining flushout will be carried out over the next 8 days when the building will be open for business by continuously operating the HVAC system on the occupied cycle during times when it is open as well as closed to customers. The requirements says that the flush out must start a minimum of 3 hours before occupancy so I assume that it can start any time before that. Does anyone see a problem with this strategy. Also, the facility has a walk-in cooler and freezer without any supply air. Can fans be used during the initial flush-out to supply the full 14,000 CF/SF prior to the final flush-out that will take place when the facility will be open and the cooler/freezers needed to be operational?