I am trying to find out if the kichenette areas in our classrooms count as part of the floor area that is needed for this credit. Can anyone help me with this?
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David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1981 thumbs up
December 23, 2010 - 7:56 pm
It's a judgement call, but I would begin by including them, since this wet area may get a fair bit of use. Residential projects do include the kitchen, but there's obviously more cooking going on there. If you determine the area only gets occasional use mainly for cleanup or serving snacks, you might make a case for excluding them.
Either way, you'll need to justify your choice.
Carlie Bullock-Jones
PrincipalEcoworks Studio
LEEDuser Expert
220 thumbs up
January 12, 2011 - 6:35 pm
Agree, residential projects require the kitchen to be included and it seems the kitchenette would also need to be included as regularly occupied space where occupants are seated or standing while working in the classroom and can benefit from views.
Sonrisa Lucero
Owner / Energy Engineer / Sustainability ConsultantSustainnovations, LLC
138 thumbs up
July 7, 2011 - 6:47 pm
Per CIR 5907 dated 9/8/2004, finishing kitchens are considered support areas and do not have to be included in calculations for EQ 8.1. I would imagine this would translate to 8.2 as well. Granted this is an older system NC-V2.0/2.1, but it looks like old CIRs are holding up as long as they haven't been overruled in subsequent rulings. This CIR was for an elementary school, not a residence.
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
November 17, 2011 - 9:18 am
LEED Interpretation 5907 is not applicable to schools 2009. With the revisions of the Interps you have to see if they are applicable to your version.