The stated intent of MR: Construction and Demolition Waste Management is: "To divert constuction, renovation and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators and recover recyclable and reusable materials." This is an important goal, it should absolutely be supported, but it needs to have integrity by eliminating the Altrnative Daily Cover loop-hole.

Clever landfill operators have manipulated the regulations to exploit the current acceptance of ADC as a recycled product. Since ADC is essentially any construction waste that won't blow away, a landfill operator can bury clean wood, metal, and aggregate and claim that it has been recycled. The effect is that a landfill can claim a 90%+ recycling rate even though nearly 100% of the waste is landfilled. Meanwhile, the local recycling company that pays employees to hand-sort construction waste into recyclable groups that do NOT go to a landfill has a lower recycling rate plus the additional overhead of the sorting operations.

A landfill should not be able to claim a high recycling rate when 100% of the material ultimately ends up buried in a landfill with the rest of our trash. I completely support the new verbage: "ADC (Alternative Daily Cover) does not qualify as material diverted from disposal." This will require waste haulers and recyclers to change their practices, and that is exactly what LEED should be doing. Don't let the landfills exploit the ADC loophole again: keep this language.