Hi All,

I have an interesting situation and would really appreciate any suggestions you have. On my project we are actually going over the allowable light levels when multiplying the WFR (window to floor area ratio) with the Tvis of the glass in many locations. (LEED CI 2009 states that it must be between .15 and .18) This is mainly due to workstations on the window wall that are only 1 bay deep in some instances. (And a Tvis of 70% which comes to .7 for calculation purposes.) I've been told that I can only include the actual workstation, and not the circulation area between, thus making my ratio of glass to floor area too close.
My question is: in the reference guide it states that I can use a combination of compliance paths and the first one mentions that the use of view-preserving automated shades demonstrates a minimum of 25 footcandles of illuminance. (which would, theoretically negate my calculations that are above 0.18). Is there a way to demonstrate for the areas that go above 0.18 that we are using shading devices so the higher than allowed light levels will not be an issue?

Thank you