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Check that your project can comply, using these three steps:Divide the total project square footage by the total site area in acres. (The minimum density required by this credit is 60,000 ft2 per acre). Convert the total site area in acres to square

Check that your project can comply, using these three steps:

  1. Divide the total project square footage by the total site area in acres. (The minimum density required by this credit is 60,000 ft2 per acre). 
  2. Convert the total site area in acres to square feet (acres X 43,560 square feet) and find the square root of this number. Then multiply the result by 3 to determine the appropriate density radius in feet. Density Radius = 3 x √ [site area in acres x 43,560 ft2/acre].
  3. Define a circle based on the density radius to serve as the density boundary. Add the square footage of all buildings within the boundary and divide by the total area of all sites in the density boundary in acres. Include both the entire floor area and entire site area for all properties within and intersected by the density boundary (i.e., where the radius boundary intersects a building, even if only partially). Be sure to include your project site as well. Parks and water bodies can be excluded from the density boundary area. 
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