“Prime farmland” is defined by USDA in the United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Volume 6, Parts 400–699, Section 657.5 (citation 7CFR657.5): “Prime farmland is land that has the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber and oilseed crops, and is also available for these uses (the land could be cropland, pastureland, rangeland, forest land or other land, but not urban built-up land or water). It has the soil quality, growing season, and moisture supply needed to economically produce sustained high yields of crops when treated and managed, including water management, according to acceptable farming methods.” For the full definition and description of prime farmlands, see the National Archives and Records Administration for the Code of Federal Regulations; search by citation. See the Resources section for a link to the appropriate regulation.