Upload credit documentation to LEED Online. You must write a narrative describing the collaborative efforts that took place to develop the site master plan, upload the site master plan, and provide the appropriate documentation for each of the four credits that will be maintained in the site master plan. Below is a summary of the LEED Online requirements for all seven credits. Click through to the full LEEDuser credit guidance for more detail and sample documentation.
- SSc1: Site Selection: Projects will need to check boxes stating that the master plan does not have any buildings, hardscape, roads, or parking areas on environmentally sensitive spaces.
- SSc5.1: Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat: Projects will need to determine if their future expansion will be on greenfield sites or on previously developed or graded sites, and then provide documentation for the relevant case.
- SSc5.2: Site Development—Maximize Open Space: Projects will need to determine the zoning requirements for the site master plan area and provide relevant documentation.
- SSc6.1: Stormwater Design—Quantity Control: Projects will need to determine if their existing impervious is less than or greater than 50% and provide relevant documentation.
- SSc6.2: Stormwater Design—Quality Control: Projects will need to provide a listing of the best management practices employed on the site master plan, a description of the contribution to stormwater filtration, the percent of TSS removal efficiency, the percent of annual rainfall treated by each best management practice, and the source of TSS removal efficiency data.
- SSc7.1: Heat Island Effect—Non-Roof: Projects will need to determine if they will be achieving this credit through the use of shading, high reflectance hardscapes, and open grid paving or by placing parking under cover, and then provide relevant documentation.
- SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction: Projects will need to determine how they will be shielding light pollution from interior spaces and determine their lighting classification zone, and then provide relevant documentation.