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LEEDuser Firm Membership

Get firm-wide access to the ultimate LEED resource.

Thousands of LEED professionals rely on LEEDuser for the kind of unbiased guidance that only an independent, ad-free website can provide. LEEDuser Premium members get in-depth advice on every credit, access to our documentation toolkit, and updates every time LEED changes. Get your whole firm access to the best tool available to support LEED projects.

Included with your membership:

LEEDuser’s viewpoint
With our honest advice on each credit, save time by getting guidance on which credits have the most obstacles, as well as where major opportunities are.

Discussion forum
With the web’s most active LEED discussion forum, we’ve seen all the common questions, and our highly-experienced community of LEED experts has the answers.

Documentation toolkit
Use our documentation toolkit to keep your project on track with calculators to help assess credit compliance, examples of submissions from actual LEED certified projects, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions
Save time by accessing our credit FAQs, which provide expert answers to the most common (and uncommon) questions.

LEED review tips
Gain access to webinars, video tutorials, cheat sheets, and other customized tools, including our popular series on how to complete quality documentation that reduces questions from GBCI reviewers.

Credit checklists
We’ll walk you through the key action steps you need to earn a credit, including how to avoid common pitfalls and save money.


Get a price quote, and ask us about starting a free firm-wide trial.

What LEEDuser Premium members are saying:

“I can’t tell you how many times I write emails saying, ‘Have you checked LEEDuser?’ Ninety-nine percent of the time, the answer is there.”

Greg Mella, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

“The best investment I make for my LEED projects.”

David L. Sheridan, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP BD+C

“This site has been a lifesaver. All the pages are informative and to the point. All of the sample forms and templates are accurate and pinpoint exactly what information needs to be accumulated.”

Lisa Starr, LEED AP - DLA

“LEEDuser should be a resource in every LEED AP’s arsenal.”

Larry Sims, LEED AP

“LEEDuser has the highest concentration of professionals exchanging info and advice on LEED documentation. LEEDuser explains what the LEED Reference Guide doesn’t, getting into the nuts and bolts of how to put a LEED project together.”

Bill Swanson, P.E., LEED AP

Our members include:

  • Veritiv Corporation
  • hord | coplan | macht
  • Cooper Carry
  • Turner
  • Sasaki Associates
  • WRNS Studio
  • Jacobs
  • SmithGroup