I found the following life values in the Bulb specifications. Which rated life is to be used in the LEEDOnline form for this credit?
Life to 10% failures EM = 6500 hr
Life to 10% fail Preheat EL, 3h = 8000 hr
Life to 10% fail Nonpreh EL, 3h = 4500 hr
Avg. Life = 10000 hr
Rated Avg. Life = 12000 hr
Life to 50% fail Nonpreh EL, 3h = 7000 hr
(The use of Avg. Life of 10000 hrs by the Philips calculator in the toolkit is a bit confusing)
Bill Swanson
Sr. Electrical EngineerIntegrated Design Solutions
LEEDuser Expert
736 thumbs up
June 12, 2014 - 3:06 pm
Life to 50% fail Nonpreh EL, 3h = 7000 hr
This is the value that should be used.
I have no idea what they mean by "Ave. Life" and "Rated Avg. Life". I'd guess The first three lines (measured to 10% failures) are likely similar to the last 3 lines (measured to 50% failures). Line 1 & 4 are the same test method, 2 & 5 are the same, and then 3 & 6 are the same.
I'll bet "Ave. Life" was never turned off. The lights were always on and they measured them until 50% failed.
"Rated Avg. Life" would then be the 3 hours on at a time using the programmed ballast.
Vivek Singla
Purdue1 thumbs up
June 12, 2014 - 3:11 pm
Thanks for the help Bill. The Philips calculator doesn't match the values that appear in the LEEDOnline form if I use the 7000 hr value, hence the confusion. I will use the 7000 hr value and upload the manufacturer's specifications.
We need to upload the cutsheets or similar documentation only for 20% of the bulbs we purchased during the performance period or for all those which are included in the performance purchasing plan?