I have downloaded the "USGBC LEED 62MZCalc (May 2011) and I have to complete manually the cells that correspondon to the "Inputs of the system". In the "2002UM-62MZ" calculator I do not have to do this because this cells give me automatically an average value of the As, Ps and Vpsd. What I have to do?

I have submitted this prerrequesite with the "2002UM-62MZ" calcualtor and the review team have not told me nothing about the calculator version in the review report, so could I submit with this version?

Besides, Do I have to leave the calculator in "IP" units mode or can I leave it in "SI"? I have submitted it in SI and the review team has not told me nothing about this as well, so I supose I can leave it in SI mode, or not?

Thank you very much.