We are building a 13 story building that will have the envelope panels in place two years before all openings will be enclosed. There will still be large openings for elevator shafts and other holes through out the building will be existing during these two years while VOC products for various things will begin to be applied inside.

This building is appx. 941,800sqft and I want to be sure when we should be collecting VOC documentation and quantities for an accurate VOC budget. As you can guess there will be a lot of products with VOC content going into the building but it would be good to be sure when we should collect according to LEED credit IEQc4.1 and IEQc4.2.

At what stage of the project do we say 'we are inside the weather barrier'?

Or all products built inside the weatherbarrier when looking at the construction drawings do we consider for this credit? Which would be a signficiant amount of documentation for such a large building.

Feedback on how others defined the point of documentation collection would be greatly appreciated.