We got a review from a Project and there are 2 comments that we are concerned about:

1) The review team says "that corridors, storage spaces, and technical rooms with intermitente occupancy would require to comply with the requirements of IEQp1. A space shall be considered occupiable if it is expected that occupants will spend any extended period of time there even if it is only 15 minutes".

However, as far as we know, the requirements of IEQp1 are applicable only to the regularly occupied spaces which definition is "areas where one or more individuals normally spend time (MORE THATN ONE HOUR PER DAY PER PERSON ON AVERAGE) seated or standing as they work, study, or perform other focused activities inside a building".

Thus we don't see how corridors, storage spaces, and technical rooms with INTERMITENT occupancy are required to comply. If we go by this defintion every single space in any type of building would have to comply because eventually somebody is going to enter that space.

2) The review team is claiming that the total sum of the areas stated in IEQp1 has to be equal to the total building area stated in PIf3. However, only regularly occupied spaces must be listed in IEQp1 template. Therefore, not necessarily the sum of those spaces will be equal to the total building area, since not all spaces within the building are regularly occupied.

Would anybody know wether these comments are leget or if we have room to question them? Thanks!