Hello all,

We are working on an industrial facility project were the wastewater treatment plant is offsite the project. The project is located in an industrial complex with the necessary infrastructure for treating wastewater.

The water will be send to the treatment plant (we have a signed contract between the owner and the industrial complex administration), and then the local government will supply the treated water, since the government runs the plant for the treated water supply (we also have the signed contract between the owner and the local government).

Is this a feasible way for obtaining the pre-requisite WEp1 and the credit WEc3? because, reading the document WEp1 Additional Guidance, the document indicates:

"Sources of non-potable water that do not apply to the Water Use Reduction prerequisite and credit include: municipally treated wastewater...."

In this case the wastewater from the project will be send to the treatment plant in order to obtain treated water supply by using the existing infrastructure in the area.

Thank you in advance,

