My project is using VRV system for cooling. Is this correct for me to fill up the "VRP Compliance Calculator" and not the "62MZCalc".?
Besides that, some of this VRV system serving 2 or more zones in the project. One particular VRV system (with design OA of 200CFM ) are serving a meeting room, a storage room and a small one person quite room.
Therefore, am i correct to input 200CFM in Vdzd for each of these room assuming that i should fill up the "VRP Compliance Calculator" template in IEQp1?
Dylan Connelly
Mechanical EngineerIntegral Group
LEEDuser Expert
472 thumbs up
January 24, 2014 - 9:23 pm
For VRV I use the VRP Calculator because it is an 100% OA system. Even if it is supplying multiple rooms. I usually only list the VRV zones - not room by room. But you could go room by room to be safe.