There is a mixed-type building targeting LEED Platinum based in UAE. The project will have all toilet pods constructed offsite. If we go by the LEED V4 reference guide, any offsite application need not demonstrate VOC compliance. However I insist the contractor ensure the paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants are meeting the VOC requirement. Am I wrongly pushing the contractor?
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
October 4, 2023 - 8:34 am
I believe the determining factor is if the support buildings are also pursuing LEED certification. If yes, then all prereqs/attempted credits apply to the support buildings. If no, then only plumbing fixtures accessible to the occupants of the building pursuing LEED are to follow the WEpc Indoor Water Use Requirements guidance.
On projects where the restroom facilities are built offsite I have only included their plumbing fixtures in the LEED application with success. Never had to demonstrate all other prereq/credits were met by such offsite buildings.
I believe the thinking is that the main building will become LEED certified, and not the offsite 'support buildings'.
If GBCI required offsite support buildings to comply with the LEM credit, then the logic would follow that they need to be included in the energy model, vent calcs, commissioning, etc.. To that end it would then become a multiple building application and might require Campus/Master Site with a potential group application.
LEEDuser community, please post if you have a different experience with support buildings that are not pursuing LEED certification.
Kimberly Lombardozzi
Sustainability ManagerW. R. Meadows, Inc.
9 thumbs up
October 4, 2023 - 8:52 am
I agree, VOC compliance isn't required for offsite manufactured toilet pods but with requiring LEM you are keeping with the intent of LEED and the Low Emiting Materials credit. It's won't contribute to the LEM credit but is the right thing to do.
Tricia Loe
Sustainable Concepts11 thumbs up
October 6, 2023 - 2:15 pm
I agree with Kimberly that it is technically not a requirement, but I have never regretted pushing a project team to go further. It's the right thing to do, and if it were my building I would want them to use the low-VOC options, no matter where they're applied.
Alokmay Behera
Sustainability ManagerGreen Initiative DWC LLC
October 9, 2023 - 7:27 am
Many thanks Dave, Kimberly and Tricia for your quick feedback.
@Dave. Yes I am checking the plumbing fixtures for associated flow and flush rates, and LPD for the toilet spaces. The toilet pods are being constructed in the factory and then brought to site. As per my logic, if not pushed, the manufacturer will have free hand in using any paints, coatings, adhesives and sealants, and when brought on site, could affect the Indoor Air Quality of the building in construction.