We have some spaces with vision glazing 12' and 16' head height. The spaces have exposed spiral ductwork. Is the ductwork considered a permenant obstruction? In some of the occupied areas, the ductwork will obstruct a small portion of a person't view, but nowhere does the ductwork completely obstruct a person's view.
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Ryan Harrington
7 thumbs up
July 20, 2021 - 9:15 pm
I would suspect the ducts would deduct from the available view. I would treat the ducts the same way you are instructed to treat furniture.
Take a look here,
i have posted some diagrams I used to define my views to suport my calculations. My submittal for the credit was approved and my documentation accepted.
Laura Heagler
GLMV Architecture, Inc.1 thumbs up
July 21, 2021 - 9:30 am
Ryan, I think I understand your diagrams, but if I put the ductwork in the plan view it will look like there is no view. If I put it in a section, how do I calculate the square footage? I thought perhaps a solution would be to reduce the head height of the glazing to the bottom of the ductwork, but that is a guess, I don't see that guidance anywhere.
Ryan Harrington
7 thumbs up
July 21, 2021 - 12:01 pm
Draw it in elevation, measure from the bottom the duct. That is your vertical glass height. Any glass above the duct doesn't count.