I am working on a project - a preschool, and the architect has windows with varying sill heights. Some windows have a sill height of 48 inches AFF and other windows have a sill height of 6 inches AFF with a head height of 48 inches AFF. These windows never stack, but are staggered. I know I cannot use the windows with the sill height of 48 inches, since they would be above the 42 inch minimum for view. However, I am wondering if I can use the windows with the 6 inch sill height / 48 inch head height towards this credit. The children would encompass the majority of the users in each space, and the Reference Guide does make mention of lower sill heights for children (but does not specifiy a height persay, just to consider lower sill heights). A teacher sitting would also have a view out at 42 inches, although admittedly a sharply cut off view since the head height is 48 inches. Thoughts from anyone? Thank you very much in advance.

PS As to why the sill heights are as they are, it is an aesthetic consderation based on panel sizes and working within a module. There used to be numerous windows in each classroom but the project went through an extensive VE effort, resulting in what we have today. Working with the module and making the windows smaller saved a good amount of money. This was also a compromise in an effort to keep the large sawtooth clerestory windows in each classroom, which afford a lot of natural light into each classroom.