I suggest that the current pilot credits for triple bottom line analysis i.e. "Informing Design Using Triple Bottom Line Analysis" and “Informing Design by Major Credit Category Using Triple Bottom Line Analysis” become a full permanent credit that can be used to achieve points under Project Priorities. There are hundreds of examples of the credits being used and a great deal of support. The LEEDuser Forum for example has a wide variety of positive comments. The associated training "Defining Value in Sustainability: Informing Design Through Economic Analysis" is also a top 10 GBCI course.

Ideally, I would think that this credit would fit best under the new Integrative Process, Planning & Assessments major credit category if there were room there but Project Priorities is also a decent place for it. See below for some suggested language to use for the credit:

CREDIT: Triple Bottom Line-Informed Design (Triple Bottom Line Analysis) 1-3 Points INTENT: To (1) inform cost-effective sustainability decisions, & (2) build a business case for sustainability by justifying, prioritizing, and communicating the environmental, social, and economic benefits of green design. 

REQUIREMENTS: Perform a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) analysis on the strategies and design decisions under consideration for your project. This TBL analysis must quantify and monetize the financial, social, and environmental impacts of the project. Results from this analysis can be used to (1) guide goal-setting and align project priorities with broader ESG goals, (2) inform decision making during alternatives analysis, and (3) communicate the as-built ESG impact of the project. The point system below is not mutually exclusive - any combination of the options below can be completed based on applicability of the design stage. 

Option 1. Project Goal Setting (1 Point) Quantify and monetize the triple bottom line impacts of at least 5 of the project's possible sustainability goals to prioritize and set performance targets in the early design stages. At least 3 goals must be analyzed from the Energy & Atmosphere and Water Efficiency categories. Mandatory credits to include are enhanced energy efficiency and water efficiency - water performance. The design team must provide a brief narrative (1 page maximum) describing how the TBL analysis helped establish the project’s TBL goals. 

AND / OR Option 2. Alternatives Analysis (1 Point) On at least one credit, conduct a TBL analysis of at least two design alternatives (compared to a baseline) that are being considered to achieve the credit. Monetize the life cycle benefits vs. costs of each design alternative. The design team must provide a brief narrative (1 page maximum) describing how the TBL analysis shaped the decision-making process using cost-effectiveness metrics like Net Present Value (NPV), Simple Payback Period (SPP), and Benefit Cost ratio (BCR). 

AND / OR Option 3. Communicate & Report (1 Point) As part of the design team’s final documentation for submission, conduct a TBL analysis which quantifies and monetizes the impact of the finalized design specifications relative to a baseline design. This evaluation must include at least 8 credits spanning across at least 3 credit categories.