Good day!
We are working on a WDC addition to an existing warehouse with no additional parking. The client is willing to reduced existing parking to meet the credit requirements since both warehouses are being automated.
Question 1: Do we only need to remove stripping or acutally demolish the asphalt as well?
Question 2: I assume we only need to use the GFA of the addition to perform the calculation - Parking Reduction = (Total baseline capacity – total provided capacity) / total baseline capacity x100. Is that correct?
Thanks for your help with this!
Laura Long
Sr. Designer, Sustainability and Sr. AssociateNORR
28 thumbs up
July 12, 2024 - 10:37 am
In follow-up to my previous question, if we used only the SF of the addition, the number of parking spaces to be removed is a much larger figure than if we included the original building as well since that was what the original parking was based off of. Can anyone assist with both of these inquiries? If not, I will reach out directly to USGBC. I will post a response if I hear back from them. Thanks for your help with this.