Electric Utilities commonly have demand and consumption costs. In order to avoid high demand costs for air conditioning, thermal energy storage tanks are sometimes employed and even provided with rebates from the local utility. These TES systems are not mentioned.

Operating emergency generators is not mentioned as a methodology. One university that we worked with looked at the "current cost of electricity", and operated their diesel generators to reduce cost (and to unload the grid).

With natural gas, two types of utility delivery are available: Interruptable and non-interruptable. The data on the LEED website would be particularly applicable to non-interruptable rates. However, large users, like hospitals and factories often purchase natural gas with an interruptable rate and then install a back-up fuel supply such as #2 fuel oil or propane, so that when the utility calls, they switch to the alternate source. These alternate fuel strategies are also not mentioned in the LEED write-up for this credit.

Are any of these successful time tested strategies applicable to this credit?

Do the systems need to curtail on both the heating and cooling end of the spectrum to get 2 points?