Dear all,
I am not quite sure if the approach discussed in my project team is a viable way to achieve this credit and would like to check back with you. The project intends to collect stormwater using the underground Rainwater Storage Tank, and then the collected water will be treated to reuse for toilet and irrigation.
My question is:
Is this kind of covered, underground approach compliant with the requirements “best replicating natural site hydrology”, is this a LID measure?
Thank you so much for any suggestions, advices.
Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
187 thumbs up
October 18, 2017 - 10:49 am
This is one of those grey areas (no pun intended).
While I could certainly support capture/reuse for irrigation, the toilet flushing part is not a GI practice.
Hanh Truong
Green Building ConsultantArtelia
October 18, 2017 - 10:30 pm
Dear Michael,
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
In this case, I think I should ask USGBC for confirmation.
Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
187 thumbs up
October 24, 2017 - 10:11 am
The official word from GBCI is that reuse (for any purpose) is acceptable.