I'm considering acquiring carbon credits for scope 1 and 2. I have read all the requirements in the manual and website, and chose compliant projects. However, because there is information in a few different places (it's not centralized), I fear there might be a requirement I might have not found and the credits are rejected. In that case I'd loose money as the retirement of the credits on behalf of the enterprise is not reversible.
For this reason I'd like to ask:
1) could I send the name and details of the project so GBC can confirm if it's eligible? I'll specify project vintage (year), type and standard.
2) could you please point out all the eligibility criteria for the carbon projects/credits (or at least all the places I may find them)?
Thank you!!
Project is in Brazil
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
June 13, 2018 - 12:54 pm
You could try to send an inquiry to USGBC maybe through LEED Coach.
All of the eligibility criteria and requirements would be in spelled out in the credit language and the Reference Guide. The only other place might be in a LEED Interpretation. The online Reference guide gets updated to include addenda. Not sure about the interpretations.
Projects in South America may use the Brazilian “Certificado de Energia Renovável” (Renewable Energy Certificate) with additional parameters in place of Green-e Energy.
Raissa Petri
1 thumbs up
June 13, 2018 - 1:56 pm
Thank you Marcus,
Could you kindly send me the links to those? I'd like to confirm they are the same documents I've been relying on.
Also the link to LEED Coach if possible.
I'm not a LEED professional, I'm learning now. My expertise is carbon credits.
Below I've pointed out exactly the eligibility criteria I've found, and the questions I have about them. Maybe easier to respond. And thank you for the assistance once again.
First, the guide LEED v4 for INTERIOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION says I can also use offsets (see below).
Engage in a contract for qualified resources that have come online since January 1, 2005, for a minimum of five years, to be delivered at least annually. The contract must specify the provision of at least 50% or 100% of the project’s energy from green power, carbon offsets, or renewable energy certificates (RECs). Carbon offsets may be used to mitigate Scope 1 or Scope 2 emissions on a metric ton of carbon dioxide– equivalent basis and must be Green-e Climate certified, or the equivalent. Ok, it's clear I may use carbon offsets instead of RECs.
The LEED User webpage clarifies eligibility criteria (https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/content/why-green-power). In sum it says:
- How to Convert Energy Consumption to tCO2e (Carbon Credits): "Convert the energy use to emissions using standard emissions factors from a credible third party". As mentioned, I'm using GHG Protocol's tool for conversion, the most recognized in Brazil, which uses the emission factor defined by the Brazilian Ministry of Science Tehcnology, Innovations and Communications. Can't think of another source more credible. Only thing, it uses 2017 emission factor, of course, that's the most recent available, there's no way to calculate 2018's before the year is over. But contract length must be at least five years under LEED v4. Since purchase will be now it's logic to assume I can use 2017 emission factor for the conversion all the following 5 years. Can you please confirm?
- Project type: "Carbon offsets can be generated from a wide variety of different project types that may or may not involve renewable energy, such as landfill gas capture or reforestation. The projects are often completely disconnected from the purchaser, and the offsets are usually bought in bulk from a third party. Because they are generated by directly reducing emissions, carbon offsets can be used to cover project emissions from any source". My understanding is that any project type is eligible (but I'll exclude large hydro as it's not eligible for RECs and I don't consider it 100% sustainable), can you please confirm?
- Standard: "Green power, RECs, and carbon offsets must be Green-e certified “or equivalent” , "Green-e certified or equivalent programs are Green-e/Green-e Climate (US), CAR (US), ACR (US), CDM GS (Global) or VCS (Global). Ok, it's clear.
- Vintage: "The period of generation should be included with each REC or offset, and must be within a maximum of a year and a half from the purchase date". Carbon offsets certificates only specify the year, not the month or day. So it's logic to assume I may acquire offsets either from the present year or from last year, only. Can you please confirm?
- Location: "while projects in any location can purchase Green-e RECs or offsets, some may want to support other producers closer to home." So it's logic to assume I may acquire offsets from any location. Can you please confirm? (the project that we'll submit for LEED certification is located in Brazil)
Still, if I can ask if the carbon project I'm considering to acquire the offsets is eligible, before purchasing, that would be ideal. Please note I'm doing all the research possible, but if it's not accepted for any reason I'd loose a lot of money, as but purchase/retirement is irreversible.
Thank you once again!
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
June 13, 2018 - 2:59 pm
You can ask USGBC questions here - https://www.usgbc.org/contactus
LEED Coach - https://www.usgbc.org/articles/green-tools-leed-users-support-options
Credit Language - https://www.usgbc.org/node/2615911?return=/credits/commercial-interiors/...
Reference Guide must be purchased -https://www.usgbc.org/resources/web-based-reference-guide-all-rating-sys...
LEED User is not a definitive source of information relative to credit requirements. While there is helpful information on LEED User it should be corroborated with official sources from USGBC.
I think you can use 2017 emissions factors.
Yes on project type.
Vintage - makes sense to me.
Yes offsets can be from anywhere.
Raissa Petri
1 thumbs up
June 13, 2018 - 3:24 pm
Marcus, thank you for the clarifications and for being so quick on the replies!
Vishal Vikram Singh
August 2, 2024 - 2:36 am
Can we use the International Renewable Energy Certificate(I-REC) to offset Scope 2 emissions for the Asian(India) region to fulfill LEED certification requirements? Please clarify
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
August 2, 2024 - 11:24 am
I can't find anything in the Reference Guide (only guidance for Europe and South America) or in a search of the LEED Interpretations about them. So you will need to demonstrate equivalency. Here is the guidance to do so.
Demonstrating Green-e Equivalency
Projects not using Green-e certified products must demonstrate equivalency to the Green-e Energy standard requirements in the following areas:. To be considered equivalent to Green-e Energy, the EACs retired on behalf of the LEED project must be
Certified under an eco-label or similar program developed by an independent organization with transparent accounting process and standards in place
Certified under an eco-label developed by an independent organization with transparent accounting processes and standards
Eligible renewable energy source (see Green-e Framework for Renewable Energy Certification, Section IIIA, “Renewable Resource Types”, and additional regional requirements as applicable, i.e. Appendix D: Green -e Renewable Energy Standard for Canada and the United States, Section II (Eligible Sources of Supply)
Renewable resources are from projects that have come online within the last fifteen years
Verifiable chain of custody
Mechanism to prevent double-counting
The executed contract must specify the purchasing goals consistent with the Green-e equivalency requirements and be valid for the duration indicated in the credit documentation.